Experience Unmatched Preparedness with the Response Ready ZOLL AED Pro Package
Comprehensive and Reliable:
- New ZOLL AED Pro
- Carry Case
- 7-Year Warranty
- User Manual
- Pads & Battery (Pre-Installed)
- AED Wall Cabinet
- First Responder Kit*
- AED 3-Way Sign
- AED Wall Poster
- AED Inspection Card (I-Tag)
- “AED On-Site” Window Decal (AEDecal)
- Free Shipping
The First Responder Kit: Essential first-aid tools - two towelettes, scissors, a razor, a pair of nitrile gloves, and a pocket CPR mask, housed in a zippered nylon pouch.
ZOLL AED Pro Highlights:
Robust Design for Professional Rescuers and Lay Responders:
- High-resolution LCD display for clear visibility in any environment.
- Instant feedback on CPR chest compressions rate and depth with visual and optional audible cues.
- Resistant to dust, high pressure, and direct water spray.
- Available in semi-automatic or fully-automatic + manual override configurations.
Exclusive Distributor:
- Response Ready is the sole AUTHORIZED online distributor of the ZOLL AED Pro.
Alternate Part Numbers: 90110200499991010, 90110600499991010
Elevate Preparedness with the Response Ready ZOLL AED Pro Package. Order Yours Today.
To explore other package options that feature different models by Zoll, please visit our Zoll AED Packages page.